Consultancy in certifications processes for management systems for private and public beneficiaries and NGOs


The consultancy in certifications processes for management systems for private and public beneficiaries and NGOs that we promote has the bases of PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act) and give great instruments for getting people to change, for controlling the risks identified on the risk assessments and for supporting the senior management.

The consultancy services provided consists in two phases:
I. The design, development and implementation/ maintenance of management system documents:
a. the organization’s activities are divided into the categories of existing processes and there is identified the interactions between them (process map);
b. there is established the policy-making management system and its monitoring indicators in the processes;
c. there is developed/ adapted the management system and its fundamental documents, taking into account the existing documentation requirements and standards in organization
d. there is provided assistance for implementation within the organization, the measures set out in the documentation management system
II. The technical assistance provided on the basis of annual work programs, with the possible following activities:
a. Correct problems identified in the audit certification and surveillance audits;
b. Periodically audit in accordance with the requirements of the reference standard and/ or documents;
c. Auditing of projects under management system documents;
d. Monitoring of the defining parameters of the system;
e. Analysis of system performance;
f. Taking measures to eliminate issues and to grow performance;
g. Staff training on the topic of implemented management system;
h. Assistance in evaluating suppliers in terms of management system requirements;
i. Specialized assistance in certification audits, surveillance and extension;
j. Specialized assistance for design and implementation of computer methods for tracking the activities that add value (production, delivery, servicing, etc.)